Isa 6:8  “Here I am! Send me.” 


Matthew 16:24 “Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”

Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ Jesus


Servant of Christ Ministries started in 2008 when Christ Jesus’ words “follow me” finally ushered in complete abandonment to follow my Lord and Savior.  I was unprepared, even though I had a life of church service. Since then, I have experienced many brick walls and hardship, but the joy of following is what I want for all. The heart of the ministry is for all Christians to have the same joy and their own stories that bring praise to Christ Jesus.

Topical Studies

Topical Studies uses Systematic theology as a discipline to formulate an orderly and coherent account of the true doctrines of the Christian faith using not just a verse but researching the entire Holy Bible.   As you read each essay, deceptions by false teachers, “pseudo-prophets,” will be exposed, and God’s perfect path for your life will be revealed.


What's New

Essay and video lessons come after months of prayer and study.  God’s timing brings fruit, whereas mine does not.   Check below for new releases, or sign-up for mail notifications.  Remember, I do not market, sell data or user information.

Topical Essays

My Greatest Joy is to obey my Lord.

What does the Holy Bible say about Women Pastors
What is Faith?
Can a Divorced Man Pastor a Church

Bible Verse of the Day

Servant of Christ Blog

My Blogs

—- are on various topics, such as theology, culture, lifestyle, etc. Systematic Theology ensures that each blog is accurate and doctrinal sound. Click the link below to join the decision.

Bible Super Search 600

Bible Super Search

Bible Super Search allows easy reading, studying, searching, and sharing of the Holy Bible in many different versions and translations without being marketed and enduring annoying popups and endless ads as you study.  Servant of Christ Ministries holds to Matthew 10:8: “You have received without paying, so give without being paid.”

Headline News

Get the latest Christian News and Information from the United States and the world on persecution, churches, missions, society, culture, and religious freedom. Read confidently that each news article and information is truthful and accurate.

Is Your Church Having Trouble Reaching the Lost?

Outreaching the Lost

“I Can Help”

Click the link below to see if you qualify for FREE,
Church Outreach Training and Assistance.

Are You Serving God but Need an Online Presence?

Website Design


Click the link below to see if you qualify for a FREE website,
Design and Hosting.

Christians common gift is to proclaim

Change Starts With You

    Think of the power the media and big-tech holds. They create falsity to support their agenda. Truth and Morals are now subjective, with the Media and Big-Tech becoming the false new Gods. The Church of Christ Jesus hides within its walls and is no longer the light of this world.   Only when one humbles, meeks oneself to Christ Jesus, and denies themselves to venture out and proclaim the “Good News” will this world change for the better. So the question is, who do you serve, who is your God?

You Have Been
Reborn to Proclaim

The Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20 is one of the most significant passages in the Holy Bible due to the unique calling from Jesus Christ to ALL His followers to take a specific action. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” The order is clear and precise, but with the thought, that hardship and trials will accompany as one ventures out proclaiming the Good News, however, Christ promises to be with the servant, “to the end of the age.”  Can a servant ask for anything more than that?

a place to be loved
Homeless and Hungry


There are estimated to be around 122 million children living on the streets, 30 million in Africa, 30 million in Asia, 60 million in South America, and 1.6 million homeless and runaway youth in the USA. Often victims of all kinds of abuse, Help give these homeless children a home. Become a Sponsor.

Begging for Help

Donating or becoming a sponsor takes ONE MORE child from being homeless to being in a home that meets their spiritual and physical needs. Donate or sponsor a child today.

child needing help

The Lord’s Supper

A study of the Lord’s Supper is a soul-stirring experience because of its depth of meaning. During Passover, on the eve of His death, Christ Jesus instituted a significant new fellowship meal that all Christians observe. Dustin Woods, Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Church in Sebring, gave one of the best sermons I have ever heard detailing and illustrating the Holy Bible’s facts on the Ordinance. Watch and be blessed.