girl on swing
girl being consoled
boy on ropes
girl smiling on swing

Servant of Christ’s Preferred Missions List


Florida Baptist Children Home

Florida Baptist Childrens Home

Florida Baptist Children’s Home brings hope to hurting children, showing that the love of Jesus changes lives.

From the opening of their first orphanage in 1904, Florida Baptist Children’s Home has expanded to provide safe, stable, Christian homes and services to children and families in need across the state and around the globe.

Join Me today by sponsoring a child and allowing the love of Christ to work through you.
 “Servant of Christ’s #1 Choice”


Baptist Childrens Home

Baptist Children's Home

Following Christ Jesus,  Baptist Children’s Home’s mission is to help children who have nowhere to go and have suffered loss of parenting due to abandonment, abuse, neglect, and death; these words are more than just a cliché. They represent the beginning of a journey toward healing and wholeness.  Join Us today by sponsoring a child and allowing the love of Christ to work through you.     Baptist Children’s Home is Servant of Christ’s #1 choice


Compassion International

Compassion International

Because Jesus is our core, everything we do for children is meant to reflect God’s heart.

We love God, demonstrate our love, and live out our faith by extending care to others — in Jesus’ name — irrespective of caste, creed, class, or religion. This way of living is modeled and shared with the beneficiaries of our programs in age-appropriate, culturally relevant ways without coercion, manipulation, or forced compliance.


SBC - North American Mission Board

SBC - North American Mission Board

The Wartburg Watch 2024 linked below indicates that the North American Missions Board lacks financial reporting and leadership accountability.  Until settled, I recommend that individuals and churches refrain from contributing.
(Click Here to view Wartburg Report)