Are you ready? Are you prepared for the Lord’s return? For the first time in history, many scientists, theologians, and those who study Prophecy have concluded that the Lord’s return is imminent. Sometime between now and 2050, with a consensus of 2030. Biblical Prophecy will be fulfilled, and life will change as we all know it. In John 3:1-15, we read that one must be Born Again, giving up their life to follow Christ Jesus. In Matthew 25:1-13, The Parable of the Ten Virgins, we read that only those with the oil, representing the Holy Spirit, and those that use the oil, allowing their light to burn brightly, will enter the gate. It will be too late for those with no oil or run to get some. Once the gate is closed, those left behind will suffer from their decisions. No one has any excuse; Christ Jesus taught us by example. He did not sit inside the synagogue waiting for the lost to find him. He went out into the world to proclaim the Good News. His parable on the lost sheep Matthew 18:12-14 gives us just a clue to that extent. In Matthew 16:24, He informs us to follow Him with that same spirit by taking up our cross and following. Matthew 5:14-16 informs us to be the light that brings salvation to a lost, hate-driven world. His last words, Matthew 28:19-20 were to go out into the world and proclaim. Christ Jesus is the definition of an evangelical. Many denominations teach differently than this message. Many of their ministers, pastors, and bishops preaching and teachings differ from this message. But His word is clear; it lives throughout every page we read in the Holy Bible. One must be “evangelical” to be a faithful Christian. Proclaiming is a true Christian nature. How do you start? Go to my outreach page: You will find all you need to get started. The life that you save may be your own. God Bless.