I almost screamed, heretic. I am frustrated with these so-called ministers, pastors preaching a message on evangelism with no evangelical understanding or heart. Christ Jesus taught us by example; He did not sit inside the synagogue waiting for the lost to find him. He went out into the world to proclaim the Good News. His parable on the lost sheep Matthew 18:12-14 gives us just a clue to that extent. In Matthew 16:24, He informs us to follow Him with that same spirit by taking up our cross and following. Matthew 5:14-16 informs us to be the light that brings salvation to a lost, hate-driven world. His last words, Matthew 28:19-20 were to go out into the world and proclaim. True Christians are evangelical, having the same spirit of Christ Jesus and following in His footsteps. How can you say you’re a Christian minister or pastor when your apathy is your God? Stop hiding behind your piety. Have you forgotten Matthew 23:11, where Christ Jesus instructs that the servant is the greatest among you? Have you forgotten or forsaken your calling? Who is truly your God? Who do you truly serve? This message is not to bring condemnation but to prayerfully redirect you and your assembly. Remember, Revelation 3:1-22, and start to fear that you are not the pastor of the Church in Laodicea.